
Articles and posts on all things pregnancy, birth and parenting.

Topics include: pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, formula feeding, co-sleeping, any kind of sleep, newborn babies, newborn mothers, 4th trimester care, tongue-tie, silent reflux, attachment parenting, mothers mental health, PTSD, PND, birth trauma etc.

Breastfeeding and Bottles

I wanted to write about how we got our breastfed baby to take a bottle and how I feel about that. Maybe you are struggling to get your baby to take a bottle, looking for a rest from breastfeeding once in a while, having a tough time pumping much milk.

There has been a bit of pressure on me to make sure that my baby takes a bottle.

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Well, let's start then

It feels eminently sensible to make sure that I have a profitable company before breaking away from a regular pay check. I have two reservations about that. Scrap that, three reservations; 

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