
My collection of books on pregnancy, birth and parenting available for you to borrow.

Covering topics including: first trimester, second trimester, third trimester, fourth trimester, pregnancy by week, sleeping, co-sleeping, breastfeeding, latch, tongue tie, mastitis, bottle feeding, safe sleeping, fatherhood, motherhood, birth, labour, water birth, home birth, hospital birth, cesearean sections, your rights in birth, newborn routines, newborn care, pain relief in labour, stages of labour, induction, low supply, consent, pitocin, vitamin K, seeding, microbiome, placenta encapsulation, relationships, birth partners, doulas, natural birth, positive birth, birth plans, birth preferences etc.

“If you don’t know your options, you don’t have any.”
— Diana Korte

pregnancy, birth and parenting library

Not necessarily recommended reading, just books I own, that you can borrow.

Rated in my opinion. No rating means I haven't read it yet.