Instagram post - protecting your bubble, pulling up the drawbridge, filling up your cup


m a t e r n a l

m e n t a l

h e a l t h

w e e k




How many bandwagons can you fit in one post you ask? Well, let me show you.

I love this campaign by the excellent @amyransomwrites - What would you give a new mother?

I'd give her an unlimited amount of guilt free 'nos'. No I'm not having visitors today.

No I'm not going anywhere with my baby today.

No I'm not going to feed my baby that way.

No I'm not going to parent that way.

No I'm not going to stop looking after myself.

No, thank you, but no.

This photo is us 21 hours after birth. Pumped full of oxytocin, pale from surgery and infection, gunky headed, changed forever.