Birth Support

As a birth doula in Kent and London I provide unwavering, non-judgmental support throughout your pregnancy, labour and new motherhood. You will get unconditional reinforcement for your practical, emotional and informational needs.

Choosing someone to be with you during such a vulnerable and emotional time can be a big decision and it is important to have a lot of trust in the person supporting you. I’m sure there will be things particular to your pregnancy, birth and parenting that I have missed so please never be afraid to ask via the contact page. There is information here on the area of Kent and southeast London that I cover as a birth doula, whether at your home, birth center or hospital.

birth doula support

If you want a great birth experience, you should get in touch with Ruth. She will give you support you need and make sure your voice is heard. My birth experience was amazing, I gave birth without any pain relief, just asked for the gas and air in the end. If I had any concerns or questions, I knew I could always ask Ruth. She will be always there for you when you need her
— Elena N

When you Choose me as your Doula


  • Initial meeting where we check that we are a good fit for eachother (this can be a call if you prefer)

  • whatsapp group with you and your birth partner/s for all your burning questions and info exhange

  • calls and video calls as needed/wanted

  • Two or three antenatal meetings (details below) - between 6 and 10 hours usually

  • Back up doula in case of broken legs or natural disasters.

  • Access to my resources (details below)

  • On call from 39 weeks

  • Unwavering support during your birth

  • Postnatal visit/s

  • Virtual support during your postnatal period

What do Antenatal meetings look like?

  • usually, 2 sessions of 2-3 hours long, in the comfort of your home, at a time to suit you

  • totally bespoke to you, we can include as much of my antenatal education as you like

  • you have space to talk, space to tell me what you want and how you are feeling and I will listen. There are not many times in daily life where we are deeply listened to and it can do us a lot of good.

  • We explore your plans, wishes, expectations, fears, doubts, expertise and gaps in knowledge.

  • Together, if you wish, we work towards the birth plans for you and your family that is led by evidence based information

  • I do not have an opinion of the type of birth that is best for you. I am here to support you in your choices.

  • You can reach me anytime by email, call and text from when we first meet - any worries or questions you can get in touch

On call

  • From 39 weeks or earlier if you have reason to think you will birth earlier

  • You can reach me immediately, night and day by phone call. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

  • If you have a worry, a question, something you feel silly asking, or you do not want to be judged - call me

  • You decide when you want me with you in labour

  • If you give birth before 39 weeks then I will do everything I can to be there, or a back up might be able to attend if I can’t

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Support during your whole birth

  • Physical, emotional and information support from the first moment you are in labour until your baby is born

  • Let me know when you go into labour, if you’re not sure, give me a call anytime - I will never mind if it all quietens down again.

  • We will be in touch and you will know instinctively when you would like me to be there with you. If you are unsure, I can always come by for a bit and go home again if you would like to see me but don’t need me for long. Everyone is different.

  • I'll stay until you and the baby are settled and happy for me to leave

At least one postnatal visit

  • Some people prefer next day (another bonus of having the shared care team of doulas - fresh pair of hands for next day!), some families find they want a week or two to get settled before we come round for a debrief and a cuddle.

  • perhaps your partner goes back to work after a couple of weeks, or days, and you would like me to pop in for some reassurance

  • You can talk to me, this is a time for you to be truly listened to

  • If you have practical things that you would like to be done, I can do those too.

  • If you’d like more than one visit you can book postnatal support during pregnancy or after your baby is here.

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Support for 6 weeks after the birth

  • you might have a whole lot of new questions that cannot be covered in an hour postnatal visit,

  • call or text me and you can speak to someone who has known you for months and was at your birth,

  • I always adore hearing how you are getting on and seeing some baby photos, you can keep in touch as much or as little as you want.

  • I offer occasional postnatal support, give me a call to see if I’m available or take a look here to see my packages.

Breastfeeding support

  • if you want it, for as long as you need

  • breastfeeding is a choice, often hampered by challenges that can be overcome by enough of the right support

  • So often we face high expectations without adequate support - I will do all I can to help you to meet your goals

  • if you make the choice not to breastfeed I support you too

  • I am training to be a Breastfeeding Counsellor with the ABM (started January 2019, 24 month course). If I have met you in my role as a Breastfeeding Counsellor then I can refer to you to another doula who will be able to support you. If you are a doula client, you may benefit from my breastfeeding knowledge and experience but only ever free of charge.

Read more testimonials here.

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Equipment and tools

I have my doula bag full of tools and tricks…but these might be things that you were thinking about hiring, that you can borrow from me for free.

  • Birth Pool

  • TENS Machine

  • Books

Area I cover

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Ask if you don’t see where you live below - sometimes I travel further.

You deserve a doula

All the above for £1,900

Birth experiences last us a lifetime, invest in yourself, your partner and your baby.

If you have any concerns about money, you can talk to me. If I can offer you a discount, a payment plan or a skill swap - I will. I work on a trust basis, if you have enough to pay then I ask that you do. If you feel that I am a bargain and would like to give more, that money goes towards supporting family’s who would not otherwise be able to have a doula. My clients’ generosity and compassion has changed some families’ lives.

Alongside paid work, I volunteer with Doulas Without Borders who provide free of charge doulas to some of the UK's most vulnerable mothers. As a collective The Good Birth Practice donate £25 of every birth towards family based charities. Everyone who wants one deserves to have a doula.

As a member of Doula UK (DUK), my practice reflects the Doula UK philosophy and the Doula UK code of conduct.

Doula UK has a voucher scheme, so friends and family can buy you a portion of your birth care or some postnatal hours.

If you are in need of free support please contact Doulas Without Borders.