3 Step Rewind for Trauma
Click the title above to go through to the page that has more details on birth trauma support. I teach a tool called the 3 Step Rewind for Trauma in Kent and Southeast London. If you had a difficult birth, or memories are still difficult for you, have a read and maybe get in touch for some support.
“Whenever and however you intend to give birth, your experience will impact your emotions, your mind, your body and your spirit for the rest of your life”
Trauma Relief Sessions
3 Step Rewind
This is a technique that allows traumatic memories to be processed differently so that they do not trigger those feelings of anxiety, stress and high alert any longer. It is useful for birth trauma or any other trauma that you think might affect your birth.
If you find that you are having negative symptoms from a memory, causing you challenges in your daily life, then this might be something that could help.
Symptoms you are looking for relief from:
Re-occurring thoughts about the event
Panic attacks
difficulty sleeping
hyper vigilance
exaggerated startle reflex
avoidance of anything to do with the event
difficulty concentrating
You do not have to tell me the story for the process to work, you only have to be able to remember it.
A fellow doula describes the process beautifully here.
As a member of Doula UK (DUK), my practice reflects the Doula UK philosophy and the Doula UK code of conduct.
What does it entail?
If you are looking for support after a difficult birth then you likely have a child, or more to look after, we can make sure that the 3, 3 hour sessions are at the best time for you. If something happens, as often does with children, to change plans, or you need to stop part way through, I can be flexible to your needs. I don’t want any logistical challenges from stopping you to get the help that you want.
Session 1
1 hour, or maybe a little more
Get to know one another
Talk through the process and the technique
Check you are comfortable
Practice the deep relaxation
Teach you how to prepare for the next session
Session 2
1 to 2 hours
Check how you are
deep relaxation
Rewind technique
Time to settle and check in
Session 3
1 to 2 hours
Check progress
How does it feel now compared to Session 1?
If better we finish up and plan for the future
If you are not where you want to be, we talk about more sessions
My fees
If you are or have bought another service from me e.g. you are a doula client then you get a lovely 20% off.
A note about fees: money is not why I do this, but I need it, to care for myself and my family. I do not want money get in the way of my supporting a family who I feel would benefit from my support, so if you are concerned about my fees, talk to me. This works on trust, if you can afford to pay the full amount then I ask you to pay in full. We can usually find a way. I am also open to being paid in kind, as well as cash – do you or your partner have a skill you can share? Let me know!