Instagram post - postnatal fog

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@theblurtfoundation 😁 but also, yep.

It is easy to start seeing your baby as an obstacle, as an adversary. Maybe they 'fought' their way out and have been preventing you from being the you, you knew ever since?

living the reality of the 4th trimester is probably the reason I'm making this change and not still dreaming about it.

Bear with me while I just have a moan - when I was pregnant we got a lot of vague, patronising comments from other parents: "you won't know what's hit you" or maybe "hope you don't like sleep much". And once he was born: "I bet it isn't what you expected?" and "thinking twice about having more now?". It wasn't very helpful.

I get it, it's hard to explain it until you live it, but I'd rather come and clean up your kitchen and make you a cup of tea while I tell you it's normal and you're going to be ok.