Kent & London Doula

Hi! I am a birth and postnatal doula caring for families across Kent, South, East and Central London. Your pregnancy, birth and start to your adventure into parenting is such an important time that deserves to be nurtured in every way. As parents to be and in that first year we give so much energy into our children and it can leave us depleted and suffering without the right support. We are not meant to do this alone! I don’t care what your goals are, but I care so much that you get to meet them and that you are supporting doing it.

Mother Mother Birth Doula - photo of Ruth.jpg


Hey there,

Are you looking for a doula to support you through pregnancy, birth and parenthood?

  • Do you want a safe pair of hands to hold yours as you become a parent again, or for the first time?

  • Did you have a hard time last time and would like it to go differently this time? (If “hard time” is putting it lightly this might be helpful.)

  • Has getting pregnant been a challenge? Perhaps your journey isn’t like anyone else’s journey and no one actually understands what it has been like?

  • Does birth feel scary and something you are dreading?

  • Are you planning a birth-day party and I’m invited?!

  • Are you simply trying to give yourself the best shot at the birth you want?

Who am I?

My name is Ruth, I'm a mother, antenatal teacher and birth and postnatal doula. I work in Kent and SE London.

As a member of Doula UK (DUK), my practice reflects the Doula UK philosophy and the Doula UK code of conduct.

Why Am I A Doula? 

Well, while pregnant and during the fourth trimester, it became a daily norm for someone to come and tell me about their birth or breastfeeding story, often emotionally charged and difficult ones. I could hardly believe how women were being treated during birth, and that it was seen as normal and ignored. I started to do my homework and investigate pregnancy and birth in the UK today (as well as globally). It led me to learning about doulas, and how much difference they can make. I had to get involved and try to create positive change.

When allowed to autonomously make decisions about their own bodies and their babies, it has been found that parents make good choices. Bringing a child into the world, you are faced with many decisions to make, often surrounded by medical professionals and new information in new environments. I want to support you, with your birth partner if you have one, to be in the best position, ready with all the information you need to make the right decisions for you

Mainly, I do this to change things for the better; I believe that if a mother is supported well enough then she can do her job of supporting new life to the best of her capacity. Parenting is not supposed to be done in a vacuum and we seem to find ourselves more isolated than ever.

Why Do you want me at your birth?

I am passionate, professional, strong and caring. I don't have an agenda for how you should give birth or parent, I just want you to get the choice and support to be able to do it the way you want. 

I have lots of experience across a wide range of labours, births and familiy dynamics. Your situation might have similarities to something I have seen before, but it will still be unique to you and that is what I focus on. I find it useful to know that I’ve been helpful across many various situations and have been able to make a positive impact on one of the most important moments in a parent’s life.

To bring you the best information possible in the birth room and beforehand when assessing your options, I like to keep my research up to date. I am interested in birth and babies so I stay informed of changes in expert advice, peer-reviewed research, local guidelines and best practice.

To be the doula you need and want, I like to get to know you and your birth partner and or family if applicable, beforehand pretty well - this gives me time to know your likes and dislikes and to adjust my care accordingly.


What Can I Do For You?

Studies have shown that having a doula present at birth is linked to reduced rates of: inductions, cesearean sections, epidurals, forceps, ventouse and trauma. (See research page for more details of absolute risk). All things which many people seek to avoid.

“If a doula were a drug, it would be unethical not to use it.” -Dr. John H. Kennell

At the simplest level, I want to be a part of making sure your rights are respected during birth. Studies show that when women are respected and listened to, they have a better birth experience, and much lower risk of trauma (please see research for absolute risk). 

I want to be there to hold the space for you to make those choices, to stay focused on you when others may become distracted or have other priorities.

For more things I can do for you see my reviews.


Next Steps…

But, enough about me - what we are really interested in now is you.

Come and tell me your story, and why you want a doula!

You can fill in the contact form, send me a whatsapp or call the number on the contact page to book in a free first chat. This will be 30-60 minutes either via zoom or in person. Time to ask any questions you have and for us to find out if we are good fit! I can’t wait to hear from you.




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Packing your bag for birth - hospital and home